Furnace Repair Fenelon Falls - British Empire Fuels

Furnace on the fritz? Unusual smells or sounds? Heat not hot? Don’t mess with Ontario winters — call British Empire Fuels for your trusted furnace repair in Fenelon Falls and beyond. We have the expertise and customer focus to get your furnace fixed — and fixed right — in no time.

It’s a cold winter’s night. The last thing you want is for your furnace to give out. If it does, you need a Fenelon Falls furnace repair expert to visit quickly. Call us and we’ll get out to you as soon as possible. (As a Kawartha Lakes HVAC expert, we serve Fenelon Falls as well as Peterborough, Lindsay, Bobcaygeon and the surrounding area.)


But let’s back up. Ideally, we can avoid emergency furnace repair by being more proactive about maintenance and regular furnace repair before it gets to the point of breakdown. Here are some indicators that you may notice in advance — if you experience any of these, contact us right away to schedule a service call from an experienced technician!

  • Unusual smells
    You may notice a light dusty smell the first time you use your furnace for the season. But it shouldn’t be strong, and it shouldn’t last long. Anything else could be a sign that something is amiss, and you should call.

  • Unusual sounds
    You may not even notice the sounds your furnace makes most of the time, because it just becomes an ambient part of living in your home. But if you notice something that seems out of the ordinary, or you find yourself asking, “is that what the furnace always sounds like? I’ve never noticed that before,” it could be a sign that something has changed, and you should call.

  • Higher than average heating bills
    If you notice that your heating bill has gone up, but your lifestyle (and the cost of energy from your provider) have not changed, this could be  as sign that your furnace is needing to work harder to compensate for an issue that needs attention. You should call.
    Insufficient heating
    By the time it gets to this point, things may be progressing. Your furnace will do everything it can to maintain temperature, so when temperature starts slipping, it’s a clear sign you need to get a technician in. You guessed it: you should call!

When you contact British Empire Fuels for Fenelon Falls furnace repair, we will send a qualified technician out to your home or business to conduct a thorough inspection of your unit to diagnose any problem(s) and identify a course of action. In many cases, they are able to make adjustments or basic repairs right then and there. If the problem is more advanced, they’ll work with you to identify the best solution, and in the worst case scenario can talk to you about your options for furnace replacement. 

Regular maintenance and proactive repair as soon as you suspect a problem are two of the best things you can do to limit the scope of any issues and prevent small issues from becoming big ones. If you suspect an issue, don’t delay!

Contact us today for prompt and professional furnace repair. We’re ready to help.