Furnace Emergency in Bobcaygeon

There’s nothing quite as panic-inducing as an HVAC malfunction in - 30ºC weather. Thankfully, we’re here to help when you need it—at all hours of the day, every day. Give us a call at (705) 738-2121 if you’re experiencing a furnace emergency in Bobcaygeon.

When your furnace goes on the fritz, the British Empire Fuels Team will be there to help. We know how stressful it is dealing with home heating issues, and we have the skills and tools needed to quickly resolve your HVAC woes. Our 40 + technicians are trained to work with a variety of brands and models, and are able to quickly source part replacements you may need. The result? You won’t have to stress about your furnace emergency in Bobcaygeon for long.


Comprehensive Care

We’ll thoroughly assess your HVAC system and let you know what repairs are needed— and we’ll also let you know if it’s in your best interests to purchase a new unit. If your current system is well past its prime and needs multiple repairs/replacements, you may be better off spending your money on a new furnace. Either way, we’ll give you our honest opinion.

Wondering if Something Constitutes an ‘Emergency?’

If you’re not an HVAC technician, it can be hard determining if the ‘issue’ you encountered really merits an emergency call. Here are some things we’d watch for:

  1. Complete loss of function - If your furnace has completely stopped working, that’s a clear indication that something is wrong. While you might be able to wait for the light of day in mild weather conditions, we recommend giving us a call ASAP if the temperatures are in the negative.

  2. Blowing cool air - Similar to the above, this leads to your home not being warmed properly. Depending on the weather you may need us to resolve the issue immediately.

  3. Sparks and smoke - Turn off your furnace and give us a call. An electrical malfunctional definitely warrants emergency action.

  4. You smell rotten eggs - If you suddenly start to smell rotten eggs, you probably have a gas leak on your hands. Call us immediately, and get out of the house if you can until the issue is resolved. 

This list isn’t exhaustive, so please don’t hesitate to give us a call if you have questions or concerns. It’s better to be safe than sorry! We’d be happy to speak with you—even if that conversation takes place at 12 AM. 

Taking Preventative Action

Prevent unpleasant HVAC surprises in the future by getting your furnace and AC professionally serviced once a year. Our skilled technicians will clean your unit, assess all the various components (including safety controls and furnace piping), and replace rusted and/or malfunctioning parts if needed.

For all of your furnace emergency needs in Bobcaygeon - as well as Lindsay, Peterborough, and Fenelon Falls! - you can trust the team at British Empire Fuels. Give us a call today at (705) 738-2121.