Fuel Delivery Service in Kawartha Lakes
With over 70 years of experience, British Empire Fuels provides fast, efficient, and reliable fuel delivery services in Kawartha Lakes, Trent Lakes, and the surrounding area.
Our team of qualified delivery technicians specializes in providing residential fuel delivery services and commercial fuel delivery. We deliver propane, furnace oil, gasoline, and clear diesel. For your convenience, we also provide automatic fuel delivery, call-in delivery, and on-site card lock services.
Remember, if we can't get to your home or business, we can't fill your tank. Whether you receive automatic or call-in deliveries, it is your responsibility to ensure our ability to make timely deliveries in a safe manner. Make sure your driveway is cleared to a width of at least 10 feet to accommodate our trucks. You should also clear a path to and around your fill pipe or your underground tank.
Automatic Fuel Delivery Service
Automatic fuel delivery is the hassle-free way to have your fuel tank filled.
We use an advanced automatic system to project your optimal future fuel deliveries based on your historical consumption and daily temperature data. These recurring, predetermined deliveries make it easy to plan your schedule and will help prevent your tank from running out of fuel.
We make every effort to ensure you have an adequate supply of oil, however, no one knows your home fuel usage better than yourself. If usage or conditions change, you are the best person to monitor your fuel levels. Many insurance companies require homeowners to monitor their fuel levels as part of their homeowners' responsibilities.
Call-In Fuel Delivery Service
While automatic fuel delivery tends to be the best option for most homes and businesses, we also provide our customers call-in fuel delivery services.
With call-in fuel delivery, simply give us a call when your tank fuel gauge shows the fuel level to be approximately 30%. We will schedule you for the next available delivery time, so you and your home will stay warm and cozy all winter. Remember that it is solely your responsibility to monitor the fuel level in your tank and call us with at least 24 hours’ notice for weekday deliveries.Weekend delivery may be available during the heating season but cannot be guaranteed. If you allow your tank to run out of fuel it could result in a chargeable service call.
We're dedicated to providing fast, friendly, efficient fuel deliveries to the people and businesses of Kawartha Lakes and Trent Lakes, and the surrounding area.
Never worry about checking your fuel gauge again. Learn more about the Pivot Monitor System!
Contact us today to schedule your fuel delivery in Kawartha Lakes or Trent Lakes.
Not sure where to start? Don’t sweat it. We offer 24/7 support. Call us at 705-738-2121 and speak with one of our expert technicians today.