Furnace Maintenance in Lindsay

Best way to keep up your home temperature during cold Lindsay winters? Stay on top of your furnace maintenance during cool Lindsay autumns.

Regular furnace maintenance is one of the absolute best things you can do to maximize proper heating of your home and a long lifespan for your furnace — this is especially true in Lindsay and all of the Kawartha Lakes area. As a long-time, trusted Lindsay furnace maintenance supplier, we know as well as you do how cold and brutal our winters can be. But a properly working and well-maintained furnace can keep you and your family safe, warm, and comfortable — it really makes all the difference in the world. 


Here are answers to the top 6 questions we get about Lindsay Furnace Maintenance:

  1. How often should I service my furnace? We recommend preventative maintenance on an annual basis. Really any time of year will do, but autumn is most popular to ensure everything is looking good before the temperatures take a dip. 

  2. Do I really need furnace maintenance? You can wait until something breaks if you want to, but doing so often lets small problems turn into bigger (and more expensive problems) before you notice them. Regular maintenance catches issues early when they’re much easier (and more affordable) to fix.

  3. Besides avoiding problems, are there any other benefits to furnace maintenance? Yes! Even if we’re not fixing “problems” - making small adjustments to ensure your furnace is running smoothly also means your furnace is running more efficiently. This leads to better performance and lower heating costs.

  4. What should I expect during a furnace maintenance visit in Lindsay? Our qualified technician will inspect, clean out, and tune up all key components of your furnace to make sure everything is working properly, is unobstructed, and is sealed as it should be. If we find anything out of the ordinary, we will let you know right away.

  5. What if my furnace is old? Is it worth it to keep investing in maintenance? If your furnace is delivering the performance and the efficiency you desire, then we see no reason to give up on it! Proper maintenance can help make the most of whatever time your older unit has left. ‘Letting it go’ to save on annual maintenance will only speed up its decline and lead to a replacement sooner.

  6. What if my furnace is new? Why does it need maintenance - shouldn’t it work fine? Yes, but “working fine” is still working! Your furnace is a mechanical unit with moving pieces and parts. Even the newest, most modern unit will still benefit from regular tune-ups. Plus, you’ve just invested in your furnace - maintenance is a predictable expenditure that will help ensure as long a lifespan as possible!

As a long-time provider of heating and cooling services in Lindsay, Bobcaygeon, Peterborough, Fenelon Falls and the surrounding Kawartha Lakes region, British Empire Fuels is proud to provide heating and cooling service and sales, including installing and maintaining today’s leading manufacturers. Call us today to discuss your heating and cooling needs with one of our specialists! 1-888-472-6006