Daikin Heat Pump in Kawartha Lakes

Furnaces aren’t the be-all, end-all when it comes to home cooling and heating. Daikin offers an environmentally friendly heat pump that can keep you warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

The Daikin heat pump is a great option for people who want a low-maintenance, environmentally friendly heating and cooling system in their home. With significant energy savings and fewer safety concerns than traditional heating mechanisms, it’s no wonder they’ve steadily grown in popularity over the years.


How They Work

You can think of a heat pump as a heat transporter. In the summer, warm air is moved out of your home, while in the winter it’s brought in. Before the warm air is dispersed throughout your home, it’s warmed even further by a compressor in the unit. In this way, it’s able to offset temperatures down to - 25 degrees celsius so you can enjoy a warm home year round. You will need ductwork in place to successfully run this system.

Making Your Home Heating & Cooling System Environmentally Friendly

A Daikin heat pump is one of the most environmentally friendly ways to control the temperature in your home. In a traditional home heating system, fossil fuels are burned so your furnace has enough power to convert one energy source into another. In the Heat Pump model, thermal energy is moved from one place to another. A comparatively small amount of energy is used during this process. 

Still concerned about the environmental impact of the electricity you’re using to power the heat pump? You can make this system more green by installing solar panels on your roof. Guilt free warmth in the winter and air conditioning in the summer! 

Maintenance and Repairs

You definitely don’t want your home heating system to fail on you mid-winter. Have peace of mind about the state of your Daikin heat pump by getting it professionally serviced every year. A HVAC technician from British Empire Fuels will assess your unit, clean it and make sure it’s in good working condition for the future, and recommend part replacements/repairs if needed.


We offer 6-year unit replacements and 12-year part replacements on several of our heat pumps! In the event that something malfunctions, you won’t have to worry about the cost.

When it comes to your home heating and cooling system, trust the experts at British Empire Fuels. We’ve been helping homeowners create comfortable home environments for over 70 years, and have built a reputation for quality care. Call us today to learn more about Daikin heat pumps!


Daikin offers generous warranties on most of their HVAC products. When you purchase a Daikin furnace, you can have peace of mind about the future.

Maintenance and Repairs
In order to extend the lifespan of your Daikin furnace, we recommend having it serviced on a yearly basis. Our HVAC professionals will maintain your unit and inform you about any repair work that’s needed. We’ve all been specially trained to work with Daikin products, so your unit will be in good hands.

We’ve been helping homeowners with their cooling and heating needs for over seventy years. You can trust the professionals at British Empire Fuels to find the right Daikin furnace for you, install it correctly, and keep it properly maintained over the years. Call us today to speak to one of our professionals.